‘Write a few words,’ they said. ‘Tell us about the book; tell us about yourself.’

And I said, ‘But that’s what the book is for. Isn’t that enough? Do I really have to write more?’

‘Well,’ they said, ‘just tell us what the book is about. Sell it to us,’ they said. ‘It’s a marketing thing.’

So, firstly, thanks for visiting this site.

Secondly, have you ever done or said something you’ve regretted but which you can never take back? Or, perhaps worse, you’ve not done or said something you should have and barely realised until the moment has passed? If so, this book may mean something to you.

If, like me, you’re a human being, a flawed bag of flesh, blood and bones, struggling to make sense of your world and the people with whom you share it; struggling, perhaps, to even make sense of yourself, then you already know something of what Everlasting Lane is about.

The book is the result of twenty years work and initially inspired by a family tragedy; events of twenty years ago, the consequences of which continue to play out and affect lives to this day.

As for me, I am a 48-year-old, married father-of-three and this is my first novel.

Is that enough?

Andy Lovett,
August, 2013